Honors Page

Tributes without presence can sometimes be like winking at a girl in the dark. The idea is you want them to know you’re doing it “While they’re here.”

In these days we all say, “Your Flowers Now” but we have been delayed on the delivery of those honors. Because of that, we are taking the bold step to create a platform to honor those that have helped us along the way, that have guided us along the way, and we acknowledge Before They’ve Gone Away.

I personally introduce you to, “Your Flowers Now” in conjunction with Do Your Homework Media



Your Flowers Now - Maxwell

Music artist, Maxwell and exoneree/ entrepreneur, Darrell Jones are showing love to those incarcerated behind the wall. Maxwell literally stopped his concert to speak about paying respects and give flowers now to Darrell and those who were innocently imprisoned for crimes they didn’t do.

Black Wonder Woman

Your Flowers Now - from Darrell Jones

“Black Wonder Woman You know exactly who you are… You are the the balance that holds the floodgates. You are the one that NO MATTER HOW IT GOES… “YOU SHOW UP” You ignite the passion when the question “WHY SHOULD I” comes along. And move it directly into the voice of “ WHY SHOULDN’T I” ! Some people are recognized only when they gotten closer to the lights of life. Not you, you play the shadows as smooth as silk, conforming & pushing at the same time. YOU… YES, “YOU” …. That BLACK WONDER WOMAN who can laser the truth with just a smile… Your PERFECT… and YOUR FLOWERS are BEAUTIFUL ( To you & all the WOMAN like you who manage the SPIRITUAL ACCOUNTS of Men who lived in the Dark nearly all their lives.


Mac Hudson

Your Flowers Now - from Darrell Jones

Honor & Respects... Paid to you.. MAC HUDSON.!! You have been there when the DREAM of it all was pressed against the wall. You removed stones that blocked the path to other peoples greatness, and never laid back on your own. Allah for you has been the BEST OF PLANNERS Many Men return home from the chambers of darkness called prison. By God’s grace they find their way, even when recovery in reality for those like Us is just a "SLOGAN TO OUR PAIN." I don't believe you CAME HOME for the rewards of the world. I KNOW you returned because YOU’RE NEEDED in a world on limited time.

YOUR FLOWERS NOW... with UPMOST RESPECT are due because " YOU ARE THE STRONGEST LINK" & Let's work my brother

Rickey Fuquan McGee

Your Flowers Now - from Darrell Jones

“A respected honor goes out to Ricky FuQuan McGee. Better known as #FREEFUQUAN. This man has extended beyond all his barriers , and paved the way for many in the silence of his work. Children’s lives have been saved because of “YOU” my BROTHER FUQUAN. We honor you in the presence, because you are in our futures. Your flowers now King.

Respect from Diamond.. “BAD BOY OF GOOD TALK”. .. We are.. THE STRONGEST LINK”

Would you like to give someone their Flowers Now?

Contact Us so we can walk you through the process.
